Nvidia delays launch of new China-focused AI chip

📰 No-Noise News 📰

⚙️ Nvidia delays its China-focused H20 AI chip launch until next year, responding to U.S. regulations, risking market share as local competitors like Huawei gain ground.

🏎️ Formula One is using AI to address track limits violations at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The AI, known as 'Computer Vision,' analyzes the shape of pixels to determine if drivers have crossed the white line at the edge of the track with all four wheels. This technology reduces the workload for the FIA's remote operations center and speeds up response times.

🛒 Researchers trained GPT-4 to navigate a phone's interface and "buy" items on Amazon, demonstrating it could specify where to click with 74.5% accuracy and memorize key steps like a human.

 Anthony Levandowski, a tech entrepreneur and pioneer of self-driving cars, is rebooting his AI church, Way of the Future, to create a religious movement centered around the worship and understanding of artificial intelligence. The new church has attracted thousands of people who want to establish a spiritual connection between humans and AI.

🤯 Anthropic's chatbot Claude 2.1 and OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo can process large amounts of text simultaneously, but both suffer from the "lost in the middle" phenomenon, where information in the middle and edges of a document is often ignored. Large context windows in language models are not yet reliable and cannot replace vector databases. Reducing the size of the context window increases accuracy.

📚 Nerd section 📚

🖥️ Optimisation Algorithms - Neural Networks 101: the article discusses the use of optimisation algorithms to improve the training of neural networks by enhancing their speed and convergence.

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HAve a relaxing weekend :)

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Until Monday,
- Ts (Bits and Neurons)